St. Francis of Assisi – School Blog

Learning and growing together in God's love.

I went to Lake District – by JAMES

on November 16, 2017
On the fourth day, our group (the Haston team) climbed a wet and slippery gorge. A gorge is a river which flows down a  mountain causing rapids and waterfalls. Firstly, we ducked under the Trolls' Bridge (it's there so hikers may pass over and not go home soaking wet). Around half way to the top, we used our special technique called the Roman Handshake.

The Roman Handshake is when you hold each other's wrists instead of their hands. If you hold their wrist it is better because if someone lets go, the other person will still be holding on, whereas if you held their hand they would fail the task. It is called the Roman Handshake because they held their wrists to see if there was a weapon up their sleeve.

We used this method a lot and it really helped. When we reached the top, Brennan and I did an extra bit. I was extremely proud of Brennan because he overcame his fear of heights. We arrived at the foot of the mountain and climbed into our warm and restful mini-bus!

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