St. Francis of Assisi – School Blog

Learning and growing together in God's love.

I went to Lake District – by JAMES

On the fourth day, our group (the Haston team) climbed a wet and slippery gorge. A gorge is a river which flows down a  mountain causing rapids and waterfalls. Firstly, we ducked under the Trolls' Bridge (it's there so hikers may pass over and not go home soaking wet). Around half way to the top, we used our special technique called the Roman Handshake.

The Roman Handshake is when you hold each other's wrists instead of their hands. If you hold their wrist it is better because if someone lets go, the other person will still be holding on, whereas if you held their hand they would fail the task. It is called the Roman Handshake because they held their wrists to see if there was a weapon up their sleeve.

We used this method a lot and it really helped. When we reached the top, Brennan and I did an extra bit. I was extremely proud of Brennan because he overcame his fear of heights. We arrived at the foot of the mountain and climbed into our warm and restful mini-bus!
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Staying at school blog.

Are you fed up with visiting the same dull places ….. well then stay at school.   You’ll get to do extremely fun things as well like

. teaching the year ones P:E

. knowing how to make your own dress

. doing poetry with relaxing music in the background

. getting creeped out by deadly, frightening music with the lights off, ant the curtains shut

then giving your teacher a pay back by scaring them!

.most importantly no homework for the whole week!

Laast week  when most of my class went to the Lake District  9 people stayed at school and it wasn’t boring.

On Friday morning, we came in our P:E kits and you’re probably wondering why?  Because  we were going to teach the Year Ones Sport alone!  (With Mrs. Beagan supervising.)


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Lake District – Nightline by JT.

At the 1st of November, at 8pm I met up with my group – the Johnsons.  Kim and Sam – our instructors – told us we would be doing something called “Nightline”.   Standing in a circle, Kim told us that we would be playing  a game called “Shepherd and Sheep” to test our communication skills.  As the adults left us, we decided that I should be shepherd first.  Everybody – except me – had to wear a blindfold and lead them away in different directions.  After that, I had to lead  everyone to a circle without speaking a word.  When I tapped each person’s  head they knew they had to move.   I gently pushed and and steered them from the back.  Once I got  them into the circle, I tapped them again on the head to indicate that the person needed to stop.  Even though the plan worked, it took a long time and Kim called it to a stop to change the plan. We came up with the idea of clapping and the sheep following the sound. This time Rose was the shepherd and the clap strategy worked well.

As soon as we finished, Kim gave all of us blindfolds and spray-painted safety goggles. We had to wear safety goggles to keep plants and branches out of our eyes and they were spray-painted so we couldn’t see if our blindfolds failed. We put our arms on the shoulders of the person in front of us. Worried but excited, I trooped forwards, following the person in front of me. Before long, we got to the first obstacle: a small tunnel.  I tried to squeeze through but I got scared and went by a different route.  After being led by a stick, I rejoined with my group and we were led by rope too.  We had to step over a rock, climb a small hill and keep together or else we wouldn’t know where to go.  As we got back to the centre, we were allowed to take our blindfolds off.  I felt really proud and we had a quick talk before we were dismissed.

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